Greenberg Traurig’s Immigration & Compliance Practice has been recognized by The Legal 500 U.S. 2021 Guide (U.S. Guide) in the area of “Labor and Employment – Immigration.” Seven of the firm’s attorneys are recognized in the U.S. Guide as “Leading Lawyers,” including Shareholder Martha J. Schoonover. This ranking recognizes practice area teams and practitioners who are “providing the most cutting edge and innovative advice to corporate counsel.” Additionally, Laura Foote Reiff is recognized in the U.S. Guide “Hall of Fame,” which is awarded to individuals who receive praise from their clients for continued excellence. Reiff Co-Chairs the Immigration & Compliance Practice and is the Co-Managing Shareholder of the Northern Virginia office. She also Co-Chairs the firm’s Labor & Employment Practice’s International Employment, Immigration & Workforce Strategies group. The U.S. Guide also recommends GT Shareholders Kate Kalmykov, Ian R. Macdonald, Kristen W. Ng, and Jay Ruby, and Of Counsel Kristen T. Burke.