With the Implementation of the 2022 EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act (RIA) the practice of EB-5 law in terms of requirements for projects, regional centers, broker dealers, overseas migration agents and fund managers has markedly changed. The RIA introduced new requirements for recordkeeping, reporting and overall compliance. Likewise, EB-5 investor applications under the new law will need to be filed under new statutory provisions that alter previous EB-5 law in significant ways. This continuation of GT’s EB-5 webinar series aims to address relevant legal considerations for all of the players in the EB-5 arena and will provide updates to participants on the practical implications and implementation of the RIA. Greenberg Traurig’s EB-5 team held 2 other webinars on the Topics of: EB-5 Update and EB-5 Legislation Update: Agent and Promoter Registration with USCIS, and those recordings are likewise available to interested parties who can email kalmykovk@gtlaw.com for a copy.
Greenberg Traurig’s EB-5 practice group comprised of immigration, corporate and securities, tax, bank regulatory and overseas counsel has over two decades of experience in the field and offers clients a full service legal platform. Our EB-5 team will continue to provide relevant updates on EB-5 law, the RIA and adjudication trends.
Join us for a series of EB-5 webinars:
Seminar 1: I-956K Requirements
Join GT EB-5 securities, corporate and immigration lawyers to discuss agent registration under the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act. The form I-956K and compliance by EB-5 Regional Centers and new commercial enterprises with these new requirements.
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
10:00 – 11:00 A.M. EST
Richard Cutshall – Co-Chair, Financial, Regulatory and Compliance Practice
Jennifer Hermansky – Shareholder, Immigration & Compliance
Kate Kalmykov – Co-Chair, Immigration & Compliance
William Mack – Co-Chair, Financial, Regulatory and Compliance Practice
Seminar 2: Annual Compliance on Form I-956G After The EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act
USCIS replaced the annual compliance form I-924A with the form I-956G. Join a discussion with GT lawyers regarding the new requirements for annual compliance under the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act, including a discussion of the more fulsome documentary requirements required by the Act.
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
10:30 – 11:30 A.M. EST
Dillon R. Colucci – Shareholder, Immigration & Compliance
Jennifer Hermansky – Shareholder, Immigration & Compliance
Kate Kalmykov – Co-Chair, Immigration & Compliance
Seminar 3: A Conversation With a Former EB-5 Adjudicator
Please join us for a conversation with a former EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program Office (IPO) USCIS adjudicator. We will discuss the processing by USCIS of I-526, I-829, I-956 Regional Center Applications, as well as RFE and NOID trends. Participants will be able to ask questions during the live webinar or can send them in advance.
Monday, November 21, 2022
10:00 – 11:00 A.M. EST
Jennifer Hermansky – Shareholder, Immigration & Compliance
Kate Kalmykov – Co-Chair, Immigration & Compliance
Gregory Sheehan – Independent EB5 Consultant; Former USCIS IPO Adjudicator
Seminar 4: The Interplay Between Child Status Protection Act and EB-5: When Are Children Protected?
This webinar will address the Child Status Protection Act (“CSPA”) provisions and their application in the context of the EB-5 process, along with practical strategies for ensuring continuing protection and CSPA calculation how-to’s.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
10:00 – 11:00 A.M. EST
Kate Kalmykov – Co-Chair, Immigration & Compliance
Nataliya Rymer – Shareholder, Immigration & Compliance