October is Pro Bono Month, a time to reflect on contributions making a positive impact on the lives of those in need of legal assistance. At GT, we are proud to celebrate Pro Bono Month by sharing examples of our recent immigration-related pro bono efforts.

As part of GT’s ongoing commitment to providing pro bono immigration assistance, GT attorneys have assisted hundreds of Ukrainian refugees in the United States. Our Atlanta team recently was part of a Ukrainian family’s immigration journey. The family included Ukrainian parents and their U.S. Permanent Resident adult daughter. GT first assisted with the parents’ parole application through the Uniting for Ukraine Program. The parents subsequently were paroled into the United States and obtained employment authorization. Additionally, the U.S. Permanent Resident daughter aspired to become a U.S. citizen so she could sponsor her parents for their green cards. However, she had not yet started preparing her U.S. citizenship application, and processing times can be lengthy.

GT assisted with expediting the daughter’s U.S. citizenship application, guiding her through the application process to quickly pull together and file the application. In time-sensitive cases like these, advocacy beyond the paperwork is crucial. Our team actively engaged with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services through our government liaison and also facilitated assistance from the daughter’s congressional representative. As a result, the daughter’s U.S. citizenship application was approved quickly and, as a U.S. citizen, she is sponsoring her parents to live permanently in the United States.

The family’s story is just one example of the transformative power of pro bono immigration advocacy and the impact that our immigration team can have on individuals and families seeking a brighter future.

*Past results are not guaranteed.