Department of Labor Immigration Compliance

The Foreign Labor Certification (FLC) Data Center houses the online wage library for prevailing wage determinations. A centralized database, the FLC Data Center collects and stores data on labor certifications

Continue Reading OFLC Wage Library Being Deprecated July 1

On April 21, 2023, the Department of Labor (DOL)’s Office of Foreign Labor Certification (OFLC) announced that after May 15, 2023, at 6:59 p.m. EST, they would no longer accept

Continue Reading After May 15, 2023, PERMs Must Be Filed Via DOL’s FLAG System

Today, May 8, 2019, after much anticipation, the Departments of Homeland Security and Labor posted a joint rule in the Federal Register providing 30.000 additional seasonal workers for American businesses. 
Continue Reading Final Rule Released to Provide 30,000 Additional H-2B Visas This Fiscal Year

The National Law Journal selected the 2018 Trailblazers in Immigration. This year, Greenberg Traurig Immigration & Compliance attorneys Laura Reiff and Kate Kalmykov were recognized on the list for their
Continue Reading Greenberg Traurig’s Laura Reiff and Kate Kalmykov Selected as 2018 Trailblazers by the National Law Journal

KALMYKOVKKate Kalmykov, shareholder at Greenberg Traurig, recently authored an article in the New Jersey Law Journal (NJLJ) discussing immigration strategies during layoffs and reductions in force.  The article highlights proper

Continue Reading “Immigration Strategies for Employers During Layoffs” by Greenberg Traurig’s Kate Kalmykov Featured in The New Jersey Law Journal